
Showing posts from October, 2020


What is the definition of procedure text? Procedure text is a text that gives you instruction how to do or make something. It can be manual, tips or recipe.  What is the purposes of the text? – To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps. – To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something What is The Generic Structure of Procedure Text? 1. G oal :  It is contain the purpose of the text. (Example : How to operate washing machine) 2. M aterial, Ingredient or Tool  :  It is contain of the materials that used in the process. (Example : the material to operate washing machine are washing machine, water, detergent, etc) 3. S tep :   It is contain of the steps to make something in the goal. (e.g : first, put the clothes in the washing machine, second, add water and detergent in it, .....) The Language Features of Procedure Text In the Procedure Text, we use: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. And: Use of impe...


 The definition of Personal letters  They are letters you write to people you have already known well or been familar with,such as family members,friends,classmates or pen friends. ( personal letter adalah surat yang kamu tulis untuk orang-orang yang telah kamu ketahui secara baik atau orang yang telah familiar denganmu. seperti anggota keluarga,teman-teman,teman kelas,atau teman pena) Kinds of personal letter: Family Letter  : Written to a family members to share recent news ( ditulis untuk anggota keluarga yang bertujuan membagi berita terbaru) Pen friend letter  : Written to a pen friend. Fan Mails  : Written to someone you idolise or admire ( ditulis untuk seseorang yang kamu idolakan atau sukai) Holiday/Celebration letter Farewell letter  : Written to say goodbye to someone who is moing interstate or overseas,or changing school ( ditulis untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada seseorang yang pindah negara bagian atau keluar pulau. Atau juga pindah sek...