Biography text is a detailed description or account of a person’s life and written by someone else, it is non fiction text. Atau dalam bahasa indonesia teks Biografi adalah suatu teks yang menggambarkan detail dari riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis oleh orang lain. 

Function of Biography

  •   To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this person   may be known for.
  •   To give many information easily and educate the readers

Generic Structure

It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background information of the person. Biasanya berisi tentang biodata yang dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap, tempat dan tanggal lahir.
In events, should be chronological order. Tahap ini adalah bagian kejadian atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh tokoh. Berisi penjelasan suatu cerita baik itu berupa pemecahan masalah, proses berkarir, dan berbagai peristiwa yang pernah dialami oleh tokoh hingga mengantarkannya pada sebuah kesuksesan. 
It consist of conclusion or a comment or the writer. Tell about the echievement or the contribution of the person. Pada penutup, bagian ini berisi tentang pandangan penulis kepada tokoh yang dikisahkan. Reorentasi ini bersifat opsional, jadi boleh ada maupun tidak.
Grammar and language features

  • Use of simple past tense. Sebuah bentuk sederhana kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau. Menggunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2).
e.g. : -The family then moved to his stepfather’s home country.
  • Temporal sequence (urutan waktu) and temporal conjunction (konjungsi temporal). Sebagai penghubung antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat lain dalam urutan waktu.
e.g. : His parents separated when he was two years old.
  • Focus on Specific participants
Use of Action verbs. kelompok kata yang menjelaskan sesuatu hal yang secara aktif dilakukan oleh tokoh.
e.g. : the family then moved to his stepfather’s home country.

Dewi Sartika was the leading figure for the education for Indonesia women. She was born on 4 December 1884 and died on 11 September 1947. The most important acts she made were when she founded the first school for women. Because of it, she was acknowledged formally as National Hero in 1966.
Dewi Sartika was born in Cicalengka on 4 December 1884 in the aristocratic Sundanese family. Her father is R. Rangga Somanegara and her mother is R. A. Raja pemas. According to some biographies, as a child, Dewi Sartika often pretended to be a teacher. He studied in the Dutch School. She lived with her uncle after her father died and then received Sundanese education culture there. In 1899 she decided to move to Bandung.
She founded Sekolah Isteri on 16 January 1904 in Bandung. The school took place at Badung Regency’s Pendopo but then relocated to Ciguriang Street. In the new location, the name of the school was changed to Sekolah Kaoetamaan Isteri. In 1912, the school became so popular and had nine branches in West Java. In 1920, all cities in West Java have one school. However, the school changed its name in September 1929 to Sekolah Raden Dewi.


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