What is an Invitation? Menurut, Invitation is An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event. Kalau kita artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia, invitation adalah sebuah permintaan, ajakan, atau upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bergabung atau datang dengan kita pada suatu acara tertentu.

There are two kinds of invitation letter. they are formal and informal. but, today we'll discuss about FORMAL INVITATION LETTER.

so, what do you know about "Formal invitation letter"?

It is an invitation which follows a dignified form,  tone or style in agreement with establish norm,  costume or value. (Merupakan ajakan yang mengikuti bentuk, nada, atau gaya yang bermartabat sesuai dengan norma, kostum, atau nilai yang ditetapkan.)

For example:

1. meetings or conferences

2. wedding ceremony

3. a special exhibition or promotion

4. the opening of an art gallery, a company, or a firm

5. inaugarations, etc

The social Function :

a. to maintain interpersonal relationship in formal context.

b. to invite someone to formal and social events.

The generic structure of formal invitation:

1. Logo

2. Name of the host. it can be the person, company, or institution who invites.  (nama yang punya acara)

3. The request for participation. for example: request in pleasure of your company at .... (kalimat mengundang)

4. The occasion or event for the invitation. (nama acaranya)

5. The purpose of the event. for example : in honor of the school presidential election. (tujuan acara)

6. The date, time and place of the occasion.  some invitations use complete format as the example bellow: (tanggal, waktu, dan tempat acara)

Saturday, the twenty fifth of February

at ten o'clock

the place should include the street address and the building name.

7. special instructions (if any) it is usually writtem the bottom the right hand corner of the invitation. (perintah tertentu, kalau ada)

8. the request for reply (R.S.V.P) (permintaan membalas/ mengkonfirmasi kedatangan)



The example 1:


a. logo

b. name of hosts

c. phrasing the invitation

d. purpose of event

e. place

f. date

g. time

h. where to reply

The example 2:


How to reply an invitation? 

these are the format:


accepting an invitation
refusing an invitation 

1. write a formal invitation letter on your book (tulis sebuah surat undangan formal pada bukumu)
2. don't forget give your name, class, and number (jangan lupa tulis nama, kelas, dan nomer absen)
3. take a photo of it (foto tugasmu)
4. submit it in the following link: (kumpulkan pada link dibawah)


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