
Showing posts from 2020


  Conditional Tipe 1 Conditional  tipe 1 digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi yang mungkin atau diandaikan terjadi di masa depan dan memiliki kemungkinan yang besar untuk benar-benar terjadi. Rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut: IF + SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE, SIMPLE FUTURE  Rumus simple present tense: Subject+ verb 1 (e/es) atau tobe (is, am, are) + adjective/adverb/noun Rumus simple future: Subject + will+ verb 1 atau be + adjective/adverb/noun. Contoh: If you study, you will pass the exam.  (Jika kamu belajar, kamu akan lulus ujian.) If you wash your hands, you won’t get sick.   (Jika kamu cuci tangan, kamu tidak akan sakit.) Dalam kedua kalimat di atas, berarti ada kemungkinan situasi tersebut tidak terjadi. Misalnya kalaupun belajar, bisa saja tetap tidak lulus. Atau walaupun cuci tangan, tetap bisa sakit. Namun, masih ada kemungkinan besar bahwa kamu akan lulus ujian (kalimat pertama) dan tidak sakit (kalimat kedua).  Conditional Tipe 2 Berbeda sedikit dari...


What is the definition of procedure text? Procedure text is a text that gives you instruction how to do or make something. It can be manual, tips or recipe.  What is the purposes of the text? – To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps. – To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something What is The Generic Structure of Procedure Text? 1. G oal :  It is contain the purpose of the text. (Example : How to operate washing machine) 2. M aterial, Ingredient or Tool  :  It is contain of the materials that used in the process. (Example : the material to operate washing machine are washing machine, water, detergent, etc) 3. S tep :   It is contain of the steps to make something in the goal. (e.g : first, put the clothes in the washing machine, second, add water and detergent in it, .....) The Language Features of Procedure Text In the Procedure Text, we use: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. And: Use of impe...


 The definition of Personal letters  They are letters you write to people you have already known well or been familar with,such as family members,friends,classmates or pen friends. ( personal letter adalah surat yang kamu tulis untuk orang-orang yang telah kamu ketahui secara baik atau orang yang telah familiar denganmu. seperti anggota keluarga,teman-teman,teman kelas,atau teman pena) Kinds of personal letter: Family Letter  : Written to a family members to share recent news ( ditulis untuk anggota keluarga yang bertujuan membagi berita terbaru) Pen friend letter  : Written to a pen friend. Fan Mails  : Written to someone you idolise or admire ( ditulis untuk seseorang yang kamu idolakan atau sukai) Holiday/Celebration letter Farewell letter  : Written to say goodbye to someone who is moing interstate or overseas,or changing school ( ditulis untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada seseorang yang pindah negara bagian atau keluar pulau. Atau juga pindah sek...


 An exposition is used to argue or persuade a case for or against a particular point of view. it begins with introduction. It states the problem or the writer's position on the topic. The middle is argument. The last is the conclusion. it might restate the writer's position in the conclusion to help the readers make up his /her mind. the function of exposition is to describe, analyse, and explain something. One of expository  text is analytical exposition. There are kinds of texts which belong to analytical exposition as follows. a. speeches or lectures b. letters to editorials c. articles of newspapers and magazines d. essays e. leaflets or pamphlets 1 . Social Function a. to persuade the readers that the idea is important matter. b. to analyze a topic and to persuade that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to  support it. c. to persuade your target readers to look at an issue with your point of view. 2. Structures of Analytical Exposition the follow...


  What is an Invitation? Menurut , Invitation is  An invitation  is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event. Kalau kita artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia,  invitation adalah sebuah permintaan, ajakan, atau upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bergabung atau datang dengan kita pada suatu acara tertentu. There are two kinds of invitation letter. they are formal and informal. but, today we'll discuss about FORMAL INVITATION LETTER. so, what do you know about "Formal invitation letter"? It is an invitation which follows a dignified form,  tone or style in agreement with establish norm,  costume or value. ( Merupakan ajakan yang mengikuti bentuk, nada, atau gaya yang bermartabat sesuai dengan norma, kostum, atau nilai yang ditetapkan.) For example: 1. meetings or conferences 2. wedding ceremony 3. a special exhibition or promotion 4. the opening of an art gallery, a company, or a firm 5...


Hi, My beloved students, meet me again, Ma'am Dara how's your life? I hope you are in a good condition. today we will learn about............................. Taking a telephone message We often find ourselves in a situation when we receive a phone call for someone who's not there and there's a message we need to take for that person. There are some useful expression we can use for that. ( Kita sering menemukan diri kita dalam situasi ketika kita menerima panggilan telepon untuk seseorang yang tidak ada di sana dan ada pesan yang perlu kita ambil untuk orang itu. Ada beberapa ekspresi yang berguna yang bisa kita gunakan untuk itu.) 1. When receiving the call ( Saat menerima panggilan) - Hello, [your name] speaking. - Good morning/afternoon. [your name] speaking. - Good morning/afternoon. This is [your company name and your name] speaking. May I help you?   2.        When calling someone ( Saat menelepon seseorang) - Hello, can I speak to [n...


Match the following expression with the responses! 1.     What do you think of cheating habit? (……) 2.     What is your opinion of our school canteen? (…….) 3.     Do you think that our class is the best? (…..) 4.     Do you think teenagers use cell phone wisely? (……) 5.     What do you think about my painting? (…..) 6.     What is your opinion about our new library? (…….) 7.     Do you think that math is difficult? (…..) 8.     How do you feel about our country’s weather? (…….) 9.     How do you think of my new haircut? (……) 10.   How do you feel about bullying at school? (……..) a In my opinion, it needs more healthy meals for the students. b I think you look suitable with the new haircut. c I think so because we have the best student in our class. d Yes, I think so. I always get bad score e ...


Dalam kehidupan sehari - hari kita sering menemukan masalah atau kebingungan terhadap sesuatu. Saat hal itu datang kita sering meminta nasihat atau saran kepada orang lain  dan mereka akan memberikan kita saran atau nasihat. Dalam bahasa Inggris meminta dan memberi nasihat adalah asking and giving opinion. yuk kita pelajari bersama!     Asking Suggestion ·          What should I do? ·          Do you have any ideas? ·          Do you have any suggestions for me? ·          Can you tell me what I should do? ·          Do you have any advice for me? ·          Will you give me some suggestion, please? ·          Any idea? ·          Can you giv...